
This is, as Virginia Woolf advocated, a room of my own: a space in which I can explore and nurture a creative voice. Music, travel, history, ideas and truly terrible television are my main vices. Capitalism, the patriarchy and dealing with a chronic illness are my main gripes. Furry animals and nature are my salve.

My writing has been featured in Feminartsy and Womankind. I play with narrative non-fiction, political and cultural commentary, and travel memoir.

I live on Ngunnawal country in Canberra, Australia. My day job concerns international politics. I have a beautiful doggo who provides ample opportunities to laugh and smile, and harangues me if we don’t spend enough time in nature.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Relations (with First Class Honours) from the University of Queensland, where I focused my study on Eastern European history, culture and politics. I speak enough Mandarin to impress in restaurants and get out of simple pickles.

My gradual migration south started at 17, when I left my hometown of Rockhampton: renowned for its cattle and crocodiles, murders and racism.

I was thrilled to be the Writer in Residence for Feminartsy in 2017.

All images and photography featured on this site are the author’s own.
